It’s not just the weather that’s heating up in Los Angeles…the rent prices are too (but that’s no news to any of you who live here!) With these numbers increasing, Rent Cafe thought it would be helpful to create a visual of the most/lease expensive neighborhoods in LA. They collected Lose Angeles’ median rent by zip code from 2015, and created this neat (and slightly ominous) Rent Heat Map of Los Angeles–or as LA Curbed likes to call it, “a handy map of affordability”!

Click on the map to spot your neighborhood!


LA-County-Apartment-Median-Rent-ZipCode-2015, los angeles rent,


Not surprisingly, Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey and the rest of the Westside has the Top 10 Most Expensive ZIP codes…that ocean breeze really comes at a pretty penny.

MostExpensiveRent, los angeles rent,

For the more affordable rent prices in LA–they still do exist!–you’re just going to have to be more flexible with which areas you consider “Los Angeles”. On the more northern outskirts, tucked in the high valley, you can live in Lancaster or Palmdale for the mid $850’s price range.

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Even Inglewood, one of the most affordable ZIP codes to live in Los Angeles, is soon to receive the NFL stadium and in turn, real estate prices will skyrocket! When rent alone can cost up to $40,000 a year (more than many LA residents’ annual income), it’s fair to say Los Angeles is in a housing crisis. On the bright side, according to an LA Curbed report, there are now more than 15,000 units “under construction through 2017,” and every part of town “will receive more than 1,000 units in 2016.” Something’s gotta give with these insane prices…hopefully with this new housing on the way we’ll see some improvements in 2016!

Graphics and research provided by Rent Cafe, a Web-based and smartphone apartment search platform aiming to make the apartment hunt easy. This research showcases the median rent for the Top 10 least and most expensive ZIP codes in L.A. County. In order to perform this calculation, we have used the actual rent charged in apartment buildings with 50 or more rental units.Only ZIP codes where data is available for 200 or more rental units have been considered as valid selection areas for the top-10 lists. The ZIP codes which have been eliminated from the ranking  due to low sample size have been included in a note below the table. The heatmap, however, was generated without  the 200+ units per ZIP code restriction. Data provided by Yardi Matrix, a leading apartment market intelligence service that offers rental forecast reports and detailed property information on more than 110 markets totaling 65,000 multifamily properties with 13.5 million units.

If you’re looking for a rental in Los Angeles and don’t know where to quite begin, The Rental Girl would love to help you! The Rental Girl is a boutique leasing and sales agency that has agent specialists in each neighborhood around Los Angeles. Pick the neighborhood you want to live in, check out our current listings, and get in touch with an agent to set up an appointment!

Happy Hunting!

The Rental Girl


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