Ask a Rental Agent: My Lease is Up Next Month. Do I Need to Give 30 Day Notice to Vacate?

Ask a Rental Agent: My Lease is Up Next Month. Do I Need to Give 30 Day Notice to Vacate?

Got a question about renting? Expert leasing agents at The Rental Girl address your concerns.

Question: I am nearing the end of a one year lease. I want to move out at the end of the lease. Do I need to notify my landlord?

The Rental Girl: Unless your lease specifically says you have to move out at the end of the term, your lease will default to month to month after the lease term expires. Both parties (landlord and tenant) are required to give each other 30 days’ notice to change the terms of the lease, including vacating the premises. If the landlord wants you to vacate at the end of the lease term, he/she has to give you a 30 days’ notice. If you want to vacate, you have to give the landlord 30 days’ notice. If you move out without giving 30 days’ notice, the landlord would have grounds to charge you rent for 30 days, or until the unit is re-rented, if rented within the 30-day period. 


“Ask a Rental Agent” is a series of helpful Q&A’s brought to you by the lovely real estate agents at The Rental Girl . The Rental Girl is a leasing agency with branches throughout Los Angeles. Each branch is operated by a unique agent who specializes in her area. All agents at The Rental Girl are California licensed Real Estate agents who specialize in helping renters and home buyers with all their real estate needs. Do you have a question you would like answered by an agent? Fill out the form below to submit a question to The Rental Girl:



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